For The Outdoorsy Urbanite: 5 Parks Worth the Drive

It takes 3.5 hours to drive from Paris to Brussels. 7 hours from Edinburgh to London. In Toronto, getting from one side of the GTA to the other can be a 2 – 3 hour drive, depending on traffic. Our perception of time and distance is a little skewed. That means that sometimes, staying ‘closeContinue reading “For The Outdoorsy Urbanite: 5 Parks Worth the Drive”

Project Provincial Update: Thwarted By A Pandemic

It’s been a slow start to the season… April 25, 2021 would have been my first weekend out under the stars. And WHAT a weekend it would have been. With the projected (and very rare) potential for witnessing a farther south reaching aurora borealis, uncharacteristically warm days, and lots of sun, it would have beenContinue reading “Project Provincial Update: Thwarted By A Pandemic”

There’s A War Raging. And It’s On

There’s been an influx of reservations this year and the Ontario Parks website is being flooded with fresh campsite seekers. More than double the activity than previous years, the site has forewarned visitors of a slower technical response. And honestly, besides those IT woes, it’s cut-throat out there. And not all those that book seekContinue reading “There’s A War Raging. And It’s On”

Balsam Lake – A Reluctant Dog and A Tiny Tent

Park #1 done! What a learning experience!~First time solo camping with my dog.~First time trying out a good amount of my equipment in the field.~First time sleeping in a “2-person” tent. The past two nights I holed up in a tiny tent in -2°C weather with a less than impressed dog. We stayed warm enoughContinue reading “Balsam Lake – A Reluctant Dog and A Tiny Tent”

Project Provincial

The Goal: Camp my way through the Ontario Provincial parks The Logistics:– 100+ parks advertised on (86 of which are currently active)– over 70 current active parks offer car-camping sites– 14 parks offer back-country/walk-in sites (varying difficulty)– 11 parks offer winterized/yurt sites– 20 parks offer paddle-in sites (varying difficulty)– most parks run seasonally fromContinue reading “Project Provincial”