There’s A War Raging. And It’s On

There’s been an influx of reservations this year and the Ontario Parks website is being flooded with fresh campsite seekers. More than double the activity than previous years, the site has forewarned visitors of a slower technical response. And honestly, besides those IT woes, it’s cut-throat out there. And not all those that book seekContinue reading “There’s A War Raging. And It’s On”

Gear 101: The Necessities

I’ve been that person who forgot a spatula, an extra tank of stove fuel and the ever-important towel. I’ve suffered through the arduous task of lighting a fire without precious dry kindling or the magically efficient aide of newspaper. Camping isn’t always the most forgiving to the forgetful but with the skills, one can definitelyContinue reading “Gear 101: The Necessities”